Book Description
for Maybelle in the Soup by Katie Speck and Paul Ratz de Tagyos
From Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
Maybelle the cockroach lives under the refrigerator at Number 10 Grand Street. A narrow escape for Maybelle during a fancy dinner party (she’s so tired of crumbs and castoffs and wants to taste the soup) leads the refined and stuffy Myrtle and Henry Peabody to call . . . exterminators! The Peabodys take refuge in an elegant hotel, unaware the Maybelle and her best friend, Henry the Flea, have smuggled themselves along. Maybelle and Henry’s vacation doesn’t just bug the snooty guests and staff, it wreaks satisfying havoc on their sense of superiority. Katie Speck’s entertainingly absurd story will delight readers ready for a short, easy chapter book. (Ages 5–8)
CCBC Choices 2008. © Cooperative Children's Book Center, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison, 2008. Used with permission.