Book Description
for Hare and Tortoise by Alison Murray
From Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
Interrupted mid-leap and mid-doze respectively, contestants Hare (Leapus swifticus) and Tortoise (Slow and steadicus) are introduced to readers like prize- fighters entering the ring before launching into their race. The traits highlighted for each, along with a course map, provide plenty of foreshadowing of what’s to come (Hare has “NEVER been known to resist a carrot” and Tortoise “will always do her best”). This Aesop’s fable stays true to the proscribed plot, but the catchy text, dynamic typography, and appealing illustrations lend energy and originality to a familiar tale. (Ages 3–7)
CCBC Choices 2017. © Cooperative Children's Book Center, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison, 2017. Used with permission.