Into the Goblin Market

Book Resume

for Into the Goblin Market by Vikki Vansickle and Jensine Eckwall

Professional book information and credentials for Into the Goblin Market.

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on TeachingBooks


  • Booklist:
  • K - Grade 2
  • Kirkus:
  • Ages 5 - 8
  • Publisher's Weekly:
  • Ages 4 - 8
  • TeachingBooks:*
  • Grades PK-2
  • Lexile Level:
  • 560L
  • Year Published:
  • 2024

The following unabridged reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers. Reviews may be used for educational purposes consistent with the fair use doctrine in your jurisdiction, and may not be reproduced or repurposed without permission from the rights holders.

Note: This section may include reviews for related titles (e.g., same author, series, or related edition).

From Booklist

July 1, 2024
Grades K-2 Millie is content with her life on the farm, but sister Mina is growing weary of the monotonous existence. She longs to find a bit of excitement at the passing Goblin Market, despite dire warnings that foolhardy attendees have been known to disappear. When Mina is missing in the morning, Millie fears the worst and heads out in pursuit of her adventurous sister. Though tempted by every magical market stall, Millie relies on her wits and occasional assistance from a mysterious wolf to avoid the clever snares. With time running out, can she locate Mina and escape the market before they're both lost forever? The bewitching book, based on a nineteenth-century poem, employs rhyming couplets to tell a classic story full of high spirits and eerie entanglements. Inventive illustrations resemble vintage woodblock prints; the striking black, white, and red visuals teem with detail and drama; and the charming text is bordered by intricate frames. A beautiful blend of classic aesthetics and modern sensibilities with a marvelous message of courage and love.


From Kirkus

May 15, 2024
Two resourceful sisters narrowly escape the treacherous Goblin Market. Drawing inspiration from European fairy tales and Christina Rosetti's 1859 poem "Goblin Market," VanSickle introduces readers to impulsive Mina and cautious, bookish Millie. When the goblins come to town, Mina, bored and eager for adventure, ignores the warnings about the market and sneaks off one night as Millie sleeps. Awakening to find Mina gone, Millie studies her books before setting after her. Shadowed by a mysterious wolf who meets her at the market's gate, Millie searches for Mina. Employing the folkloric motif of threes, VanSickle pits Millie against goblins who offer her sweet apples, eerily enchanting music, and magically scented poppies. Resourceful Millie has brought bread to eat instead and wool to plug her ears. A timely gust of wind prevents the poppy-induced spell. Her search thwarted, Millie decides to return tomorrow, but the goblins demand payment. "Our magic gifts are not for show, / you have to buy before you go. / Otherwise you're ours to keep." But Millie soon realizes what has become of her sister--and finds a way to save her. VanSickle's rhyming couplets scan well, and Eckwall's red-accented black-and-white pictures and repeating botanical borders evoke classic children's illustrations. Characters have skin the color of the page. A gratifying, happy-ever-after tale of symbiotic sororal cleverness. (Picture book. 5-8)


From Publisher's Weekly

April 8, 2024
Intricately worked page borders and shadowy, woodblock-print-like artwork by Eckwall (Almost a Full Moon) create an eerie atmosphere for this tense verse tale about Mina-a risk-seeking girl who succumbs one night to the lure of the Goblin Market and its magical wares. Bespectacled Millie, Mina's comparatively contented homebody sister, reads up on her quest before braving the market's threats in search of her sibling ("The Goblins weren't just fierce, but clever-/ It was a dangerous endeavor"). Once Millie passes the wolf just inside the market's entrance, she experiences one chilling encounter after another as she uses the magic antidotes she's brought to counter fairy tale menaces. "Come into my stall and sit./ To soothe your nerves, I'll play a bit," offers a piper whose song begins lulling Millie to sleep, until she stuffs wool into her ears and resumes her search. Rigorously metered couplets make the suspense easier to bear. Via an allusive, Christina Rossetti—tinged work that rewards clearheadedness and preparation, VanSickle (Anonymouse) creates a hero who won't be cowed. Character skin tones reflect the white of the page. Ages 4—8.

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This Book Resume for Into the Goblin Market is compiled from TeachingBooks, a library of professional resources about children's and young adult books. This page may be shared for educational purposes and must include copyright information. Reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers.

*Grade levels are determined by certified librarians utilizing editorial reviews and additional materials. Relevant age ranges vary depending on the learner, the setting, and the intended purpose of a book.

Retrieved from TeachingBooks on February 01, 2025. © 2001-2025 TeachingBooks.net, LLC. All rights reserved by rights holders.