Book Resume
for A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams
Professional book information and credentials for A Chair for My Mother.
4 Professional Reviews
3 Book Awards
Selected for 3 State/Province Lists
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on TeachingBooks
A tender picture story of a grandmother, mother and young daughter saving their money more
- School Library Journal:
- Pre-K - Grade 3
- TeachingBooks:*
- Grades PK-4
- Word Count:
- 1,068
- Lexile Level:
- 530L
- ATOS Reading Level:
- 3.4
- Genre:
- Picture Book
- Realistic Fiction
- Year Published:
- 1982
11 Subject Headings
The following 11 subject headings were determined by the U.S. Library of Congress and the Book Industry Study Group (BISAC) to reveal themes from the content of this book (A Chair for My Mother).
- Juvenile Fiction | People & Places | United States - African-American
- Chairs
- Families
- Chairs--Fiction
- Family life
- Family life--Fiction
- Children's Books/Ages 4-8 Fiction
- Saving and investment--Fiction
- Saving and investment
- Juvenile Fiction | Social Themes | Emotions & Feelings
- Juvenile Fiction | Family | Multigenerational
4 Full Professional Reviews
The following unabridged reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers. Reviews may be used for educational purposes consistent with the fair use doctrine in your jurisdiction, and may not be reproduced or repurposed without permission from the rights holders.
Note: This section may include reviews for related titles (e.g., same author, series, or related edition).
From Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
A tender picture story of a grandmother, mother and young daughter saving their money to replace a favorite chair lost in a fire. Bright water color illustrations within imaginative, decorative borders capture the upbeat tone of the story as a jar becomes filled with coins and the family's dream chair finally selected, brought home and enjoyed! Sheer joy! (Honor Book, CCBC Mock Caldecott Straw Vote) (4-9 years)
CCBC Choices 1982 © Cooperative Children's Book Center, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison, 1982. Used with permission.
From School Library Journal
February 1, 2017
Copyright 2017 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
From School Library Journal
January 1, 2010
PreS-Gr 3-This collection includes stories by Vera B. Williams about Rosa and her family"A Chair for My Mother" (1982), "Something Special for Me" (1983), "Music, Music for Everyone" (1984), and "A Chair for Always" (2009)plus "Cherries and Cherry Pits" (1986, all Greenwillow). In the first title, a young African-American girl tells of the sorrow of losing her home and belongings to a fire and the jar in which the family places all of their loose change to save for a lovely, soft armchair. In the first four tales, the chair is a character, symbolizing warmth, love, security, and family to the young narrator. In "A Chair for Always", Rosa expresses her attachment to the now aging chair when her mother and grandmother begin thinking it might be time to find a new one. Martha Plimpton perfectly captures the tenderness and joy of these stories. This winning collection celebrates family and the power of hope."Deanna Romriell, Salt Lake City Public Library, UT"
Copyright 2010 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
From AudioFile Magazine
The bouncy rhythms of the introductory composition set the mood for Martha Plimpton's lively narration of a story about a cheerful young girl and her optimistic mother and grandmother. With her youthful voice, Plimpton's bubbly reading captures a family who eagerly saves coins for a new chair after a fire has destroyed their home and furnishings. This is a layered family listen. Adults will admire the girl's waitress mother, who dreams up a playful solution for their loss, and the daughter who worries about her mother's tired feet. Children are more likely to focus on Plimpton's happy tones as Williams describe the fun of counting money into a giant jar and going to four furniture stores to find the chair, the most perfect chair in the world, the one "we were all dreaming of." S.W. (c) AudioFile 2009, Portland, Maine
3 Book Awards & Distinctions
A Chair for My Mother was recognized by committees of professional librarians and educators for the following book awards and distinctions.
3 Selections for State & Provincial Recommended Reading Lists
A Chair for My Mother was selected by educational and library professionals to be included on the following state/provincial reading lists.
United States Lists (3)
- Early Math Project Children's Literature, 2020
- Early Math Project Children's Literature, 2024
- Louisiana Believes ELA Guidebooks, Grade 2
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This Book Resume for A Chair for My Mother is compiled from TeachingBooks, a library of professional resources about children's and young adult books. This page may be shared for educational purposes and must include copyright information. Reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers.
*Grade levels are determined by certified librarians utilizing editorial reviews and additional materials. Relevant age ranges vary depending on the learner, the setting, and the intended purpose of a book.
Retrieved from TeachingBooks on January 31, 2025. © 2001-2025, LLC. All rights reserved by rights holders.