Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories

Book Resume

for Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories by Washington Irving

Professional book information and credentials for Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories.

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  • Publisher's Weekly:
  • Ages 12 and up
  • Publisher's Weekly:
  • Ages 4 - 8
  • Publisher's Weekly:
  • Ages 4 - 8
  • TeachingBooks:*
  • Grades 5-8
  • Word Count:
  • 43,672
  • ATOS Reading Level:
  • 11.1
  • Genre:
  • Fairy Tales / Folklore
  • Historical Fiction
  • Year Published:
  • 1820

The following 3 subject headings were determined by the U.S. Library of Congress and the Book Industry Study Group (BISAC) to reveal themes from the content of this book (Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories).

The following unabridged reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers. Reviews may be used for educational purposes consistent with the fair use doctrine in your jurisdiction, and may not be reproduced or repurposed without permission from the rights holders.

Note: This section may include reviews for related titles (e.g., same author, series, or related edition).

From Publisher's Weekly

August 30, 1993
Readers who haven't sat down recently with Irving's classic tale, or those who have yet to be introduced to it, are in for a treat. Written in 1820, the story of the slumbering Dutchman is remarkably fresh, told with verve and panache. In keeping with the caliber of the prose, Kelley's artwork echoes the classic tradition (and in fact occasionally brings to mind N. C. Wyeth). His light-dappled landscapes and portraits are drawn on a grand scale, and rendered in sombre, autumnal hues that hint at the story's innate mystery. Irving's puckish wit and droll descriptions are a delight. For more mature readers, the effort of navigating Irving's occasionally florid style is rewarded with many such morsels. Beautifully designed and elegantly type-set on high-quality stock, this book is as much a pleasure to hold as it is to read. Ages 12-up.

From Publisher's Weekly

September 2, 1991
``This is a vivid piece of storytelling, which takes full advantage of the atmospheric Catskill setting and highlights the comic gifts of Irving's story,'' PW commented. ``Howe good-spiritedly taps the elements of the tale that make it an American favorite.'' Ages 4-8.

From Publisher's Weekly

October 1, 1988
Howe, working in a style that is just as realistic as Locker's (see above), highlights the comic gifts of Irving's story: his Rip waves jauntily to a scarecrow, sneaks away from the house unaware that a stern Dame Van Winkle looks on and, in one frame, is seen scrambling out the door away from the shrewish, pointing finger of his wife (the rest of her is offstage). Henry Hudson's crew are a wild-eyed, caricatured bunch; Rip, upon awakening, has ivy and brambles clinging to his hat and pants, and his beard sails down past his knees. He returns to his village and is mistaken for a soldier of the American revolution; but soon settles into a serene life with his daughter and is lastly shown carving from wood the figures of the small men from his ``night'' on the mountain. This is a vivid piece of storytelling, which takes full advantage of the atmospheric Catskill setting. Howe good-spiritedly taps the elements of the tale that make it an American favorite. Ages 4-8.

From Publisher's Weekly

September 1, 1988
From Locker comes a set of paintings that, like The Boy Who Held Back the Sea , elegantly recall old Dutch masters. Rip Van Winkle, of course, is enchanted by the brew he drinks with a band of men playing ninepins in the Catskills, sleeps, and wakes up to find that he is an old man and the world has gone on without him. The telling succeeds in stressing Rip's idleness around his own house while doing good works for others, Dame Van Winkle's constant harping and the mystery surrounding the mountain men, said to be Henry Hudson's crew. However, most of the humor of the story has been stricken from this version, and the interaction of charactersnotably in two successive illustrations regarding Dame Van Winkleis passed over in favor of more posed events. Locker, who has often placed the people of his pictures as tiny figures on vast landscapes, focuses on the human aspects of the story, yet sweepingly captures the majesty of the mountains. A quiet beauty permeates this book, to be appreciated by thoughtful readers. All ages.

From AudioFile Magazine

Many of Irving's short stories are easily recognizable by their exaggerated plot details--a man who sleeps for far too long, a Halloween creature terrorizing a small town--and, for the most part, the language is strong enough to stand on its own. Adam Sims takes the reins here and provides a clear, steady reading of some of Irving's best-loved tales, but he offers little new to Irving's work. He's neutral when he needs to be and foreboding when the stories call for it, true, but his performance lacks a certain measure of the enthusiastic fantasy that can work so well with tales like these. N.J.B. © AudioFile 2015, Portland, Maine

Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories was selected by educational and library professionals to be included on the following state/provincial reading lists.

United States Lists (1)

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This Book Resume for Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories is compiled from TeachingBooks, a library of professional resources about children's and young adult books. This page may be shared for educational purposes and must include copyright information. Reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers.

*Grade levels are determined by certified librarians utilizing editorial reviews and additional materials. Relevant age ranges vary depending on the learner, the setting, and the intended purpose of a book.

Retrieved from TeachingBooks on February 01, 2025. © 2001-2025 TeachingBooks.net, LLC. All rights reserved by rights holders.