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- History
- United States
- 20th century
- Childhood and youth
- Social conditions
- Authors, American
- Illustrators
- Czechoslovakia
- Illustrators--United States
- Czech Americans
- 1945-1992
- Juvenile Nonfiction | History | Europe
- Juvenile Nonfiction | Biography & Autobiography | Art
- Authors, American--20th century--Biography--Juvenile literature
- Czechoslovakia--History--1945-1992--Juvenile literature
- Illustrators--United States--Biography--Juvenile literature
- Czechoslovakia--Social conditions--1945-1992--Juvenile literature
- Czech Americans--Biography--Juvenile literature
- Sis, Peter
- Children's Books/Ages 9-12 Biography
- SiÌs, Peter, 1949---Childhood and youth--Juvenile literature
- SiÌs, Peter, 1949-
Other books with same Awards
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- BGHB Awards
- Books for a Global Society
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- Caldecott Medal
- Great Graphic Novels
- Horn Book Fanfare
- Language Arts Notables
- NYT Best Illustrated
- Orbis Pictus Award
- Sibert Medal
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- Diverse Books: Graphic Novels
- Explore New Genres: Nonfiction for Teens
- Global History and Social Studies 9-10
- Living Through Big Changes
- Multicultural Stories
- Nonfiction, 6-8
- Privacy Between the Pages
- Refugee Experiences: Walls and Borders
- Sample: Bookworms Grade 3 Classroom Libr
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